At Newcastle Middle School we run a number of programs to stimulate the students.
Middle years groups
Our middle years groups are based on ability or interest and see students move out of their base classroom, into a group often with a different teacher and/or School Local Support Officer (SLSO) and students, to participate in a specialised activity during one session of the day 3 to 4 times per week.
This program is designed to help build students resilience around change and give them supported opportunities to interact with others.
Our school has a dedicated Agriculture garden which is fully organic. The garden is tended by some class groups who have a range of seasonal edible crops, herbs and flowering plants in raised beds. Students learn the skills necessary to prepare garden beds, plants seeds and care for them in order for them to grow successfully. The full lifecycle of plants is experienced and harvest time is always exciting. The learning experiences during Agriculture encompass and link with a wide variety of Key Learning Areas (KLAs) and students also enjoy the sensory aspects of aromatic plants.
Communication is a very high priority area for the majority of our students. Communication systems operating within the school currently include Boardmaker, PODDS, iPads with Proloquo2Go and other individual communication programs. Other augmentative systems include switch technology, signing and gestures.
Student’s needs are planned for individually in collaboration with any allied therapy professionals and families / carers.
Community Access
The school has access to two school buses acquired through Variety the Children’s Charity and Friends of Newcastle Middle School Charity.
These vehicles allow us to take large and small groups into the community to support a range of KLA learning areas and class programs. Students access the community for shopping and living skills, KLA based practical experiences, special events and reward days.
Food Technology: Class cooking and student operated Canteen Program
Students experience a range of opportunities in regular classroom cooking programs to develop their taste repertoire, food preparation and independent living skills. This may be related to program themes in subjects such as HSIE and LOTE or simply around personal taste preferences. Community Access programs may focus on the students planning and purchasing ingredients at the local supermarket required for their cooking activities.
We also operate a whole school Canteen Program where a targeted team of students are involved in all aspects associated with lunch orders, from tallying orders and monies, purchasing items required, food preparation tasks supervised closely by Canteen teaching and support staff as well as distributing completed orders. This is a well-supported living skills development program across the school and the students love to be involved.
Music Program
A Music program has been implemented every Wednesday. Each class has a weekly session with Mike our music teacher. This is a fun packed 40 minutes filled with exploring many skills and ideas such as greeting people, eye contact, taking turns, sharing, keeping a simple rhythm and exploring social issues such as bullying and making good choices. There are lots of instruments used such as drums, tambourines, shakers, Boomwhackers and bells.
Students play both individually and in groups as they explore many musical concepts. Each student’s musical creativity and dexterity is encouraged and supported as they organise their own ideas into improved melodic patterns.
A group of students travels out to Belmont Sailing Club each fortnight to participate in a supported sailing program called Sailability. This program relies entirely on volunteers to run and provides our students with the opportunity to experience sail boating with one-on-one support.
Students experience a range of opportunities in regular classroom cooking programs to develop their taste repertoire, food preparation and independent living skills. This may be related to program themes in subjects such as HSIE and LOTE or simply around personal taste preferences. Community Access programs may focus on the students planning and purchasing ingredients at the local supermarket required for their cooking activities.
Students often have a variety of individual sensory needs. The identification of these needs are pivotal to maximise student learning and engagement within the school environment. Staff communicate with families to identify calming strategies and sensory needs that are appropriate for students to help with their anxiety.
Some examples of sensory strategies that are provided include, quiet calm withdrawal spaces, soft blankets to comfort, calm garden areas with sensory plants, trampolines, swings, sandpits, soft fall play spaces, calming music and shaving cream activities.
Sport and fitness programs
Sport and fitness are a focus of our Wellbeing and PDHPE programs at Newcastle Middle School. Students have regular opportunities to participate in fitness based activities with their peers including using the school gym equipment, supervised active play during break times in the playground, completing individually designed exercises for fitness and fun, being actively involved in the Federal Government funded Sporting Schools Program as well as the NSW Premiers Sporting Challenge.
We have enjoyed gymnastics, ten pin bowling, basketball, football and Zumba dance sessions in these valuable programs. Staff also plan and deliver extra curricula sport based activities such as activities during programs. Staff also plan and deliver extra curricula sport based activities such as activities during Education Week. The school also has a small gym which classes may utilise during the day.
STEM Education
STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) forms an integral part of our teaching and learning programs at Newcastle Middle School. It offers students the opportunity to gain and apply knowledge, deepen their understanding and develop creative and critical thinking skills. Students are exposed to a variety of resources to support their learning and enhance their ability to problem solve. This also allows them to enjoy the benefits of present and future technologies. Examples of some recently purchased resources include Bee Bots, The Botley Robot, Code and Go, Coding Awbie, Dash & Dot, Osmo Genius and Sphero SPRK.
Newcastle Middle School features an indoor pool with mobility access via railed stairs or hoist. Students at school have access to swimming as part of their class programs.
Individual aquatic therapy programs are developed in consultation with therapists, parents / carers, teachers and delivered by therapists. School staff are only trained to support general aquatic activities in the pool.
Our school has a range of equipment and flotation devices that encourage the development of water safety and independent swimming skills which contributes greatly to our student’s health, education and well-being.